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Accuracy Study
Accuracy Study During the fall of 2016, Bad Elf commissioned a research report to test the accuracy of a Bad Elf GNSS Surveyor. The goal of this project was to determine if Bad Elf’s Bluetooth GPS receiver can produce consistent results at a 1-meter ...
GNSS Surveyor: Achieving High Accuracy
Achieving high accuracy with a Bad Elf GNSS Surveyor (BE-GPS-3300) The Bad Elf GNSS Surveyor (BE-GPS-3300) is capable of achieving positional accuracies of one meter or less when setup and configured properly. This tutorial is a guide to ensuring you ...
GNSS Surveyor: Collecting Raw Data with the Bad Elf App
Collecting raw data with the Bad Elf app Raw logging is a feature unique to the Bad Elf GNSS Surveyor. There are two primary purposes for this capability as listed below: To collect mixed-mode NMEA/UBX files directly from the internal GPS chipset To ...
Collecting Raw Data With The Bad Elf App
Collecting Raw Data With The Bad Elf App Raw logging is a feature unique to the Bad Elf GNSS Surveyor. There are two primary purposes for this capability as listed below: To collect mixed-mode NMEA/UBX files directly from the internal GPS chipset To ...
Offloading Raw Data Logs From The Bad Elf App
Bad Elf Bluetooth GPS receivers can produce Raw Data logs that contain the information required for post-processing. iOS provides a variety of facilities to transfer this data to other applications such as email or cloud services. This “how to” ...