Bad Elf Flex: Configuring ArcGIS Field Maps
Bad Elf Flex: Configuring ArcGIS Field Maps
When using the Bad Elf Flex or Flex Mini with ArcGIS Field Maps, certain settings must be understood and configured. Streaming corrections via RTK over the internet can further complicate these settings.
Follow this step-by-step guide to using your high accuracy Bad Elf Flex GNSS receiver with ArcGIS Field Maps.

Adapted from our
ArcGIS StoryMap on the same topic, see for more detailed information.
ArcGIS Settings Explained

A step-by-step setup guide is at the bottom of this page.
Collection Settings
- It is important to set the minimum accuracy in accordance with the type of work you are completing and your organization’s requirements.
- If the current location accuracy does not meet the threshold you set, a warning will appear notifying you that the current position does not meet the accuracy requirements set. Averaged point and streamed points will not be recorded.

Disable the 95% confidence interval. The industry standard for GPS accuracy uses a 67% confidence interval. Using a 95% confidence interval will cause discrepancies in your data accuracy alignment.
GPS Averaging
- Averaging points has the benefit of potentially increasing the accuracy of your positions by averaging one point per second. “5” is our recommended setting, which requires the user to occupy the feature for five seconds.

We don't recommend using GPS averaging for collecting line or polygon features with the streaming feature, as averaging requires the user to pause at each vertex.
- If collecting line or polygon data, enabling streaming collects vertices automatically while traversing the boundary of your target feature.
- Alternatively, you would have to tap “Add Point” each time you want to add a vertex to the line or polygon feature.
- We recommend setting the distance interval as at least twice the accuracy setting, with a minimum of one meter or three feet.
Location Provider
- In the location provider section, add and select your paired Bad Elf Flex receiver. By default, Field Maps has the Integrated receiver selected which is the built-in GPS in your phone or tablet.

If the Bad Elf GNSS receiver does not appear when adding to your location profile list, please connect it via Bluetooth through your iOS or Android device settings.
- Set the antenna height if you are collecting elevations. This is the height of the GPS mount plus the phase center of the antenna. For the Bad Elf Flex, this value is 23cm. For the Bad Elf Flex Mini, the value is 10cm.

If the Bad Elf Flex is set as the location provider, we recommend using our
Ortho Everywhere settings and leave the value in Field Maps as “0”. Set the antenna height through “Flex Settings” on the “Bad Elf Flex” app. This functionality is not currently available for the Bad Elf Flex Mini.
Location Profile
- The location profile controls how Field Maps for ArcGIS aligns your web map and field-collected data. The profile transforms your GPS coordinates to the system used by the web map.

The “Default” profile should be appropriate for most maps used with a GPS using satellite corrections.
- We suggest setting up a location profile for data collected using RTK via NTRIP. RTK via NTRIP in the United States generally uses the NAD 1983(2011) Datum and therefore needs a transformation in ArcGIS Field Maps to WGS84 Web Mercator used by most web maps.
- To configure this transformation in the United States, please enter “6318” for the “GNSS Coordinate System”, enter “3857” for the “Web Map Coordinate System”, tap “Next” to skip the “Map Extent” screen, and tap the top transformation from the “Transformation” list. Finally, name and save the profile. Ensure it’s checked as the active location profile.

Your organization may use a custom basemap, please adjust accordingly for the “Web Map Coordinate System”. If using a custom basemap without RTK, please enter WGS 1984 (EPSG 4326) for the “GNSS Coordinate System”.
- Pair your Bad Elf Flex Device to your iOS or Android Device.
- Establish RTK connection via the Bad Elf Flex App if applicable.
- Open ArcGIS Field Maps and tap “Profile”.

- Tap “Collection Settings”.

- Tap “Accuracy”.

- Set to 30’ or lower
- Turn off 95% Confidence interval if applicable
- GPS Averaging (Optional)
- If desired, turn on GPS averaging (See recommendations above).
- Streaming (Optional)
- If collecting line or polygon data (See recommendations above).
- Tap “Provider”.

- Tap Add

- Find your Bad Elf GNSS receiver and tap “Add”

When using the Bad Elf Flex, you can set the pole height directly within the Bad Elf Flex app via the “Ortho Everywhere” feature found under “Flex Settings”>”Elevation/Orthometric Settings”. This antenna height setting is automatically applied when sending data to ArcGIS Field Maps. Once you have correctly set the height in the Bad Elf Flex App, leave the pole height as “0” in ArcGIS Field Maps.
- Select your Bad Elf GNSS as the active provider, ensuring a Blue Check Mark appears next to your Bad Elf GNSS.

- If necessary, configure and select a “Location Profile” (See recommendations above).
- Tap “Profile”

- Tap “Add”

- For RTK data collection in the US via NTRIP, set the GNSS corrections to NAD 1983(2011), or EPSG 6318.

- Set the map coordinate system to WGS 1984 Web Mercator, or EPSG 3857.

- Tap “Next”

- Select the first transformation offered in the list.

- Tap “Done” and then name the profile. We recommend calling it RTK or NAD83.

- After completing this profile setup, select the profile configuration, indicated by a checkmark.
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