Horizontal - the reported statistical accuracy reported by the GNSS
Elevation - the reported GNSS elevation as configured by the Bad Elf Flex app. This includes the specific geoid model currently in use.
Fix - the type of GNSS fix:
FIX - RTK or L-Band Fixed solution
FLT - RTK or L-Band Float solution
DIF - Differential corrected solution
AUT - Autonomous solution
NO - No solution
Correction - the source of corrections:
Bubble level - the orientation of the Flex with respect to vertical
Fix - the type of GNSS fix:
FIX - RTK or L-Band Fixed solution
FLT - RTK or L-Band Float solution
DIF - Differential corrected solution
AUT - Autonomous solution
NO - No solution
ACC - the RTK accuracy status (This is a hex encoded field used for diagnostics.)
Corrections in use - the source of corrections:
Age - the age in seconds of the corrections source
Distance - the distance between the Flex and the corrections source
Horizontal Estimate - an estimate of the horizontal accuracy based on the corrections source
Inbound Corrections - information about the source producing corrections
for the GNSS or No Source
This page displays text information pertaining to the quality of an RTK fix. Any issues
limiting the quality of the fix appear here.
Fix - the type of GNSS fix:
FIX - RTK or L-Band Fixed solution
FLT - RTK or L-Band Float solution
DIF - Differential corrected solution
AUT - Autonomous solution
NO - No solution
Corrections in use - the source of corrections:
Age - the age in seconds of the corrections source
Freq - the frequency used for corrections. In SBAS mode this reports SBAS L1. In L-Band mode this reports the satellite frequency received.
AGC, DSP, BER, NAVCON - diagnostic fields for use by Bad Elf primarily
related to L-Band reception
This page displays a complete picture of how orthometric height is calculated. You can configure
geoids, antenna offsets, and final heights by using the Bad Elf Flex app.
Model in use - the geoid model used to calculate orthometric height, (Sats) indicates that the solution is autonomous, (RTK) indicates that the solution is using a geoid model based on the corrections source
Ellipsoidal height - the GNSS ellipsoidal height as reported by the Flex with no offset
Antenna - the antenna height offset including any pole height adjustments as defined in the Bad Elf Flex app
Geoid - the geoidial offset calculated using the current GNSS position and geoid model
Final Orthometric Height - the orthometric height (H) calculated using the geoid model (N), ellipsoidal
height (h), and antenna offset (A) using the formula:
H = h - A - N
This page displays a sky portrait of the approximate location and orientation of visible satellites used in
the solution. Orientation is north-up. The outer ring represents the horizon, and the inner ring represents
45 degrees off the horizon.
The line at the bottom shows how many satellites are part of the solution and how many are visible.
Press the enter button on any of the pages to bring up a popup containing logging options.
You can scroll through the list of logging options using the up and down arrow buttons
Press the enter button on an option to activate that logging feature
Press the back button to dismiss the logging popup
When the Bad Elf Flex cannot compute a GNSS solution, relevant display pages will revert to the message:
Primary reasons for this message include:
The Flex has recently powered up and has not yet acquired a position.
The Flex has changed location significantly, or has been off for some time, and needs to receive information from the satellites to derive its new location.
The Flex has poor orientation or has a limited view of the sky.