Bad Elf Flex: Base/Rover Setup

Bad Elf Flex: Base/Rover Setup

Initial Configuration Instructions

  1. Please update the firmware on the Bad Elf Flex, update the Bad Elf Flex app, and update your mobile device operating system to the latest version.
  2. Unpair all devices from both Bad Elf Flexes under Bluetooth -> Clear all pairings, and restart the devices.
  3. Label one Flex and radio as the "Base", and the other two as "Rover" respectively.
  4. Pair the corresponding Flexes and radios under Bluetooth -> New pairing.  We recommend only having one pair on at a time and noting the serial number of the radio on the back of the unit.
  5. Optionally, pair both Bad Elf Flexes to your field tablet.  The radios should not be paired to the tablet.
  6. On the Harxon radio, verify these settings are selected:
  1. Frequency x: (Verify same frequency is selected on both radios)
  2. Data Protocol: SATEL
  3. Radio Link Rate: 19200 - 25KHz
  4. Radio Mode: Transceiver [Base], Receiver [Rover]
  5. Transmit Power: 0.5-2[Higher power = More Range = Less Battery Life]
  6. Serial Baud: 115200
  7. Data Link: Bluetooth
  8. Bluetooth: should be ON (indicated by Turn OFF menu option)

Setup Instructions

Subsequently, in future surveys after the initial pairings have been created:
  1. Turn on and mount the base Bad Elf Flex/radio to the survey pole, as well as the rover Bad Elf Flex/radio .  The radio antenna should be below the Bad Elf Flex antenna.  Optionally, setup your "Base" on a monument or other identifiable marker with a tripod.
  2. If using a mobile device: With your phone or tablet within 25 feet of both Flexes, ensure Bluetooth is on and both Flexes are connected in the "Bad Elf Flex" app.  The tablet should connect automatically.
  3. Go to "Correction Mode" -> Base for the base Flex, and go through the checklist.  The Flex will connect to the radio once the connection verification step is reached.  For the reference point step, either shoot a new point or use a previously loaded point from the app.  Finish the checklist and the base will begin transmitting corrections.
  4. Go through the checklist for the rover, just like the base it will connect to its paired radio once you reach the corresponding step.  Finish the step and you should begin receiving corrections provided both units have a fix and are on the same frequency.
  5. Walk away with the rover and begin collecting points.  The base will disconnect from the tablet at around 10 meters away, this is normal.
  6. Once the survey is complete, simply power everything down.  The Base logs will be stored in a project log folder accessible on the app with the base information in a .json.

For any further assistance, please contact our support team via
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