Bad Elf Flex: Point/Track Logs - CSV Specification

Bad Elf Flex: Point/Track Logs - CSV Specification

CSV Specification

The Bad Elf Flex is capable of exporting data logs as a lightweight .csv file.  The list below contains the field names and definitions for a Bad Elf Flex generated point or track log CSV file.

Field NameDescription
LINEAuto-incrementing line number starting with 1
DATE_TIME_UTCDate and time in GMT
LATITUDELatitude in decimal degrees
LONGITUDELongitude in decimal degrees
ELEVATION_MSLElevation value reported by GPS in meters
RECEIVER_GEOID_MGeoid separation reported by GPS in meters, EGM96
ELLIPSOIDAL_MEllipsoidal value reported by GPS in meters (does not include pole height or antenna offset)
TRACKHeading in decimal degrees
HDOPHorizontal dilution of precision
VDOPVertical dilution of precision
PDOPPositional dilution of precision
FIXTYPEType of GPS fix, 1=none, 2=2d, 3=3d
QUALITYQuality of GPS fix
0 = invalid
1 = GPS fix (SPS)
2 = DGPS fix
3 = PPS fix
4 = Real-Time Kinematic (RTK)
5 = Float RTK
6 = estimated (dead reckoning)
NSTNumber of satellites being tracked
NSVNumber of satellites visible
H_RMSHorizontal RMS accuracy in meters (reported)
V_RMSVertical RMS accuracy in meters (reported)
3D_RMS3D RMS accuracy in meters (reported)
AVG_H_RMSAverage Horizontal RMS accuracy in meters (Timed Points Only)
AVG_V_RMSAverage Vertical RMS accuracy in meters (Timed Points Only)
AVG_POSITIONSNumber of points averaged (Timed Points Only)
AVG_H_STDDEVHorizontal standard deviation (Timed Points Only)
CORR_TYPECorrection type, ex. SBAS, RTCM3, L-BAND
CORR_FIXCorrection fix type, ex. FIX, FLOAT
CORR_AGE_SECCorrection age in seconds
CORR_DISTANCE_KMDistance to corrections source in KM
DATUMDATUM in use, RTK_DATUM when in RTK mode
NTRIP_MOUNTNTRIP mount point in use
STATION_IDReference station ID of received DGNSS signal
ORTHO_MODELOrthometric model used for this recording
ORTHO_GEOID_MGeoid separation in meters
ANTENNA_HEIGHT_MAntenna height in meters including Bad Elf Flex antenna offset
FINAL_ORTHO_HEIGHT_MCalculated orthometric height
FINAL_ELLIPSOIDAL_MCalculated ellipsoidal height
POINT_NAMEPoint name, auto-generated or defined through the Bad Elf Flex app, empty for tracklogs
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