Field Name | Description |
LINE | Auto-incrementing line number starting with 1 |
DATE_TIME_UTC | Date and time in GMT |
LATITUDE | Latitude in decimal degrees |
LONGITUDE | Longitude in decimal degrees |
ELEVATION_MSL | Elevation value reported by GPS in meters |
ELLIPSOID_ELEVATION_M | Ellipsoidal value reported by GPS in meters (does not include pole height or antenna offset) |
RECEIVER_GEOID_M | Geoid separation reported by GPS in meters, EGM96 |
SPEED_KPH | Speed in KPH |
COURSE_ANGLE | Heading in decimal degrees |
HDOP | Horizontal dilution of precision |
VDOP | Vertical dilution of precision |
PDOP | Positional dilution of precision |
TYPE | Type of GPS fix, 1=none, 2=2d, 3=3d |
QUALITY | Quality of GPS fix 0 = invalid 1 = GPS fix (SPS) 2 = DGPS fix 3 = PPS fix 4 = Real-Time Kinematic (RTK) 5 = Float RTK 6 = estimated (dead reckoning) |
NST | Number of satellites being tracked |
NSV | Number of satellites visible |
HRMS | Horizontal RMS accuracy in meters (reported) |
VRMS | Vertical RMS accuracy in meters (reported) |
3DRMS | 3D RMS accuracy in meters (reported) |
CORR_TYPE | Correction type, ex. SBAS, RTCM3, L-BAND |
CORR_FIX | Correction fix type, ex. FIX, FLOAT |
CORR_AGE_SEC | Correction age in seconds |
CORR_DISTANCE_KM | Distance to corrections source in KM |
DATUM | DATUM in use, RTK_DATUM when in RTK mode |
NTRIP_MOUNT | NTRIP mount point in use |
ORTHO_MODEL | Orthometric model used for this recording |
ORTHO_GEOID_M | Geoid separation in meters |
ANTENNA_HEIGHT_M | Antenna height in meters including Bad Elf Flex antenna offset |
ORTHO_HEIGHT_M | Calculated orthometric height |
POINT_NAME | Point name, auto-generated or defined through the Bad Elf Flex app, empty for tracklogs |