Bad Elf Flex: RTK Fix Vs Float

Bad Elf Flex: RTK Fix Vs Float

Bad Elf Flex: RTK Fix Vs Float


Sometimes two points shot in quick succession on the same location can have wildly different accuracy or elevation.


One point recorded in RTK Fix, and the other with RTK Float.


Though the algorithm will report the float at a certain level of vertical accuracy, we highly recommend against collecting points without a RTK fix, as the actual accuracy is significantly worse than reported with a RTK float in our experience.
A float basically means the math equation used to calculate the Flex's corrected position couldn't be solved without a remainder, resulting in more uncertainty. This is caused by a small number of common satellites between the Flex and the base station, an old message resulting from an unstable internet connection, or by not giving the Flex enough time to calculate a fix.


  1. Open the NTRIP tester by going to App Settings “𝄙” -> Configuration in the Bad Elf Flex app.

  2. Complete the checklist.

    1. Choose the location to be sent to the network:

      1. Use the current location from your phone, or

      2. Enter custom location coordinates

    2. Save your RTK via NTRIP profile in the Bad Elf Flex app if you have not done so already.

      1. Bad Elf Knowledge Base Guide to Configuring an NTRIP Profile

    3. Tap Connect.

    4. Tap the “>” next to Corrections flowing.

  3. If corrections are not flowing, please:

    1. Double check for typos. 

    2. Verify RTN subscription and network status.

    3. Verify your phone is connected to the internet.

    4. Verify the location override coordinates.

    5. Enter the mount point manually if the list will not populate.

  4. Scroll to the bottom of the screen and select copy by tapping the “⧠”.

    1. Using your email app, create a new email and paste the contents just copied into the body of the email.

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