Bluetooth GPS: Bluetooth Settings

Bluetooth GPS: Bluetooth Settings

Here is a breakdown of the Bluetooth settings within the Bad Elf GPS app for the Bad Elf Pro, Pro+, and GNSS Surveyor.

Enabled on startup

This setting determines whether pairing via Bluetooth is to be enabled or disabled when your Bad Elf GPS starts up.

"Remembered last setting" causes Bluetooth to be enabled if it was enabled the last time the Bad Elf GPS was powered down.

Pairing enabled

The above setting determines whether Bluetooth pairing is always enabled or only when your Bad Elf GPS is showing the Bluetooth screen.

Allow PIN 0000

Most devices that pair with your Bad ElF GPS over Bluetooth do not require a PIN at all. But for those that do require a PIN, the above setting determines whether they can use a PIN of 0000


This setting determines whether the Bad Elf GPS will automatically search for Bluetooth connections from zero, one, or two devices. On the Bad Elf Pro, 5 devices can be connected, but it will only ever automatically connect to two. On the Bad Elf Pro+, and GNSS Surveyor, only 2 are able to be connected. Setting this to the preferred number can significantly increase battery life because the Bad Elf GPS is not constantly searching for devices that are not typically here.

Anonymous pairing

This determines whether pairing via Bluetooth requires confirmation on the Bad Elf GPS Pro+. when disabled, it is possible to pair with the Bad Elf GPS without confirming on the Bad Elf's screen.

This setting change will not take effect until the Bad Elf is rebooted

Custom Bluetooth name

This setting determines whether the Bad Elf GPS will identify itself on the Bluetooth Settings with its unique serial number, or as the generic device name.

This setting change will not take effect until the Bad Elf is rebooted

Streaming NEMA

This setting determines which GPS data is provided to non-iOS clients connected over Bluetooth.

If you have any questions, contact us at

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